Baotong plastic PVC water hose

Weifang Baotong Plastic Products Co., Ltd.

Our plastic hoses include PVC reinforced fiber pipes, PVC fiber pipes, PVC reinforced steel wire pipes, PVC steel wire pipes, PVC high-pressure pipes, PVC hoses, PVC garden pipes, PVC double pipes, PVC fluid pipes, various types of PVC trachea/water pipes, and various types of PVC reinforced pipes.

Baotong Steel wire pipe

Weifang Baotong Plastic Products Co., Ltd.

Our wide range of plastic hose products, high quality, quality assurance, fast shipping. We can customize various types of PVC hose for customers, to ensure customer needs.

Baotong Line tube

Weifang Baotong Plastic Products Co., Ltd.

Our plastic hose products have a wide variety, excellent quality, guaranteed quality, and fast shipment. We can professionally customize various types of PVC hoses for customers to meet their needs.

Baotong Fluid pipe

Weifang Baotong Plastic Products Co., Ltd.

Our wide range of plastic hose products, high quality, quality assurance, fast shipping. We can customize various types of PVC hose for customers, to ensure customer needs.

Professional manufacturer of PVC plastic hoses

Weifang Baotong Plastic Products Co., Ltd.

Weifang Baotong Plastic Products Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of PVC hoses. Our plastic hose products have a wide variety, excellent quality, guaranteed quality, and fast shipment. We can professionally customize various types of PVC hoses for customers to meet their needs.

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  • 流体管用途:该产品重量轻、价格低廉、柔软、有弹性、无毒、质量好。适用于工农业、工程、渔业养殖、水族养殖等领域。常温下,正常工作压力下的液体输送也可用于门锁把手护套、工艺礼品包装、儿童玩具配套产品

    • 品质
    • 养殖
    • 礼品包装
    • 适用于
    • 弹性
    • 工农业
    • 流体管
    • 渔业
    • 领域

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Welcome to Weifang Baotong, Weifang Baotong Plastic Products Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of PVC hoses.